For years, research for material replacing peat in crops has been carried out and is still ongoing. Peat, due to its properties, is still considered the best base for the production of substrates by professionals. However, peat is not considered as renewable due to its slow development in natural peat bogs. Therefore this natural product needs to be used wisely, economically and ecologically.

Ecofibrex – Wood fibers
Research in recent years indicates that the parameters of peat and specially harvested wood fibers are similar. Therefore, are wood fibers, which are a quickly renewable resource, an alternative to peat?
In practice, it has been found that wood fibers, as a substrate component, are excellent for nursery and other container and soil cultivation. However, on their own, they should not form a substrate or be its base. Wood fibers added in the right proportions improve the parameters of the substrate, especially beneficial for loosening the structure and drainage.
Within the product list of Lasland Ltd, Ecofibrex® is included in selected KRONEN® substrates as well as the NATURA® line of potting soils, fulfilling the requirements for environmentally friendly substrates.

Ecofibrex® wood fibres for horticultural purposes are produced at Lasland Ltd. with great care and the use of extensive product knowledge. The product is created from natural, clean coniferous wood, that is derived after mechanical processing, following a complex thermal-mechanical process. The wood fibre originates from renewable, ecological resources, for the growth of which no plant protection products are used.
Within the product list of Lasland Ltd, Ecofibrex® is included in selected KRONEN® substrates as well as the NATURA® line of potting soils, fulfilling the requirements for environmentally friendly substrates. With this high quality product available, Ecofibrex® will play an increasing role in substrate composition in the near future.

- natural, clean and homogeneous
- nniform chemical and physical characteristics
- open, stable structure
- reduces volume weight of final substrate
- high air capacity (45-65%)
- improves drainage
- improves water distribution in the substrate
- with low salinity
- low pH
- material especially suitable for pot plant cultivation
- does not contain tannins and suitable for the production of BIO crops
- creates favourable conditions for the growth of the roots
- within professional horticulture Ecofibrex® works especially well for container cultivation
- ideal component in substrates for ericaceous plants and blueberries
- improves drainage and soil structure
- prevents weed growth and algae formation on the substrate surface